Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy 10 Months Landry!!!


Since I totally forgot the 9 month post for the baby, here's a 10 month one!

Landry, I cannot believe you are already 10 months old. Where has the time gone? Over the last 10 months I have developed a love in my heart that I never thought could exist. I wondered before I had you if I'd be able to love another child as much as my first. God has given extra room in my heart to hold just as much love for you as for your sister. It's funny because I love you both the same, yet you are so different! You are definitely your own little person. Here are 10 things that I love about the person that you are.

1. The way you scrunch up your nose and laugh when you are doing something you are proud of.

2. That you are in SUCH a hurry to run around with your big sister. Already walking before 10 months - you don't have much patience, do you???

3. That you go to bed at 7:00 pm and sleep all night long!

4. That unless you are hungry or sleepy you are ALWAYS smiling or laughing. Always.

5. The way you sign "more" and say "ma-ma-ma-ma-ma" until you get another bite of something.

6. That you can eat an entire container of puffs in one day.

7. That you LOVE to have your teeth (all 5 of them) brushed and open your mouth wide for the toothbrush while laughing hysterically.

8. That you still suck your thumb pretty much all the time. You hardly ever cry for very long because the thumb goes right in whenever you start to fuss.

9. Your beautiful eyes that you got from your Daddy.

10. The joy on your face when I come to get you out of your bed every morning!

I love you more than you will ever know sweet baby girl.

Here are a few pictures that my sister at http://www.saras-studio.com/ took of Landry last week. I posted one of them at the top of this post. I don't know how I'm going to choose which ones to order. And these are already narrowed down from the original 50! Help!!! Edited to Add: I made the pictures too big again - some of them are cut off.




















dougnlarry said...

Happy 10 months Landry!

GL picking pics mama. There are way too many good ones.

A Crafty Mom said...

Great shots, Amanda. She is so darn adorable and cute!! That soft blue looks perfect on her . . . you will have a hard time picking from those b/c I love them all.

Anonymous said...

She is such a cutie Amanda. You are truly blessed.

Rebecca said...

I love the new look and that song always makes me smile! Those pictures are great, hard choice. I really like the one where she is sitting in the little white chair outside. But they are all precious.

Lorie said...

Not sure what I love more, that dress or her name!!